The Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) was created by the state legislature in 1992, with formulas established in 1992-93 and 1993-94 to permanently shift funds from counties, cites, and special districts to ERAF.  The state uses this fund to reduce their obligation to the schools.

The movement of funds from taxes originally allocated for other purposes to ERAF is called the ERAF “shift”.  The ERAF shift from all other special districts or funds is usually no more than about 15%.  The ERAF shift from the fire protection tax funds from the 172 square miles of NSCFPD is about 46%.  This results in the loss every year of more than $1 million dollars of funds originally allocated for fire protection within the District.

In January of 2017, after much study and research, the District, working with counsel William Ross, filed a Writ of Mandamus against Sonoma County, asserting the the ERAF calculation applied to the District should have been recalculated after District formation.  The District eventually lost this suit, and the appeal.

The District has also attempted to initiate state legislation to correct our ERAF problem, but has never been able to garner enough support from our local representatives to make that happen.  Please see NSCFPD ERAF for a detailed explanation of the problem and its history. 

Loss of funds to ERAF would have forced the District into cutting services and/or seeking additional funding through taxes, probably parcel taxes, by 2026 or 2027. Fortunately, we have been saved by the passage of Measure H in 2024. The anticipated revenue from the Measure H sales tax matches, pretty much, what is lost to ERAF, and will allow the District not just to continue but to improve its services.

Nonetheless, ERAF continues to be a serious drain on fire department funding statewide. In 2022 approximately 94 million dollars were taken away from fire agencies by ERAF. If NSCFPD did not have funds confiscated by ERAF, we wouldn’t have needed Measure H. We hope that this inequity is addressed by the state legislature (but we aren’t holding our breath).

To read in great depth about this issue and the California property tax system, see Demystifying the California Property Tax Apportionment System.

Serving the communities of The Sea Ranch, Annapolis, and Stewarts Point