Fire Preparedness And Response

On October 18, 2021 NSCFPD held a virtual forum on “Fire Preparedness and Emergency Response on the North Sonoma Coast“.  A video of the forum, as well as copies of the presentations made, are available at the links below.  The forum addressed these topics:

  • Your local fire department: What is it? Who is it?
  • What resources respond to emergencies on the North Sonoma Coast?
  • What is the risk for major wildfire in our area, and what are ways to mitigate the risk?
  • What should you do to prepare for an emergency?
  • What notification systems are available?
  • Evacuation maps and resources
  • Q&A session, with additional panelists from the fire district and local agencies.

Video of the Forum

Timestamps of sections of the meeting in the video:

00:00:00 Chief Plakos explaining NSCFPD and other local response agencies
00:31:03 Battallion Chief Turbeville on fire behavior, preparedness, and potential
01:03:10 Captain Miller and Deputy Myers on fire inspections, evacuation information
01:20:30 Notification systems
01:28:58 Q&A

Slides From Chief Plakos’ Presentation

Slides From Chief Turbeville’s Presentation

Slides Regarding Notification and Alert Systems

Serving the communities of The Sea Ranch, Annapolis, and Stewarts Point