Frequently Asked Questions

Call 9-1-1 before calling anyone else. Other local agencies, such as TSRA Security, can be called next (or from a second phone) and can often provide assistance, but it is best to get the emergency services system in motion as soon as possible.
If you have a choice use a land-line, or "wired" phone as it may be a faster way of getting emergency medical help than using the cell phone. If you do use a cell phone just call 9-1-1. In Sonoma County you can dial 707-568-5992 to call the dispatch center directly but if that number isn't handy don't waste time, just call 9-1-1 and give detailed location information. Which county you are in, and the nearest mile marker if you are on a highway, is very helpful.
It is not always evident from the initial dispatch information what exactly is going on or how many firefighters may be needed. Even on apparently simple medical calls, it sometimes requires a number of people to move a patient (e.g. down a narrow stairway, or up to the bluff from a beach). Or, what initially appears to be a "small fire" could quickly turn into something larger. All available volunteers always respond to a call, and the initial responders cancel incoming resources once it is known that additional help is not needed. Better to have too many hands than too few in a real emergency!
NSCFPD has 14 active members and 3 support members. The district officers are: Chief Bonnie Plakos, Assistant Chief Chuck Breier, Captains Paul Plakos and Phil Martin. On the career side we have nine full-time CAL FIRE staff. A minimum of three CAL FIRE responders are on duty 24x7.
The South Station on Annapolis Road is staffed 24x7 by CAL FIRE personnel. A minimum of 3 CAL FIRE staff are on duty, but sometimes up to 6 firefighters and/or engineers may be available depending on availability and season. On-duty CAL FIRE staff live at the South Station, and usually work 72-hour shifts. Besides the CAL FIRE staff specifically assigned to NSCFPD, seasonal state CAL FIRE personnel and one additional wildland fire engine are in residence at the South Station during fire season. The seasonal staff has responsibility beyond the district boundary and may respond to a wider area, or be moved for days or weeks at a time to fight fires or staff other stations anywhere in California. When the usual seasonal engine and crew are moved elsewhere, a different engine and crew will be temporarily assigned to the NSCFPD South Station. When the seasonal crew is present, they will respond to local emergencies along with the permanent district staff.
The company trains every other week at regularly-scheduled sessions, with occasional additional training sessions or classes depending on the season. The company also participates in training sessions with nearby agencies such as the Timber Cove, Fort Ross, South Coast, or Redwood Coast fire departments, or the Coast Life Support District.
Numbers of calls: 318 in 2019; 290 in 2020; 329 in 2021; 351 in 2022, 468 in 2023. Types of calls in 2023: 3.6% Fire, 42.3% Medical Aid, 6.6% Vehicle Accident, 1.5% Rescue, 11.3% Other, 4.1% Alarm Sounding, 1.9% Smoke Check, 28.6% Hazardous Conditions. Call locations in 2023: 71% Sea Ranch, 9% Timber Cove or Fort Ross, 19% Annapolis/Kashia area, 1% other.
Information about department funding can be found here: Funding
Information about joining the department can be found here: Join Us
The fire department and The Sea Ranch Association (TSRA) are completely separate. TSRA has no authority over the department.
Read about our fire stations here.
The CAL FIRE personnel permanently assigned to the Sea Ranch Fire Station perform the inspections for compliance to California Public Resources Code 4291.
The CAL FIRE staff attempts to inspect a subset of the TSR properties each year. The number of inspections actually done is dependent on available staff, fire season activity, and other activities that may preempt inspections. In 2023/24 state funding supported additional inspections to hit almost all of the developed properties in our District. Anyone can request an inspection by calling the South Fire Station at 707-785-2648.
You are welcome to call CAL FIRE with any safety concerns. In a situation where someone requests an inspection of someone else's property, CAL FIRE will perform inspections on the entire neighborhood.
Anywhere in the NSCFPD, in order to burn at your residence, you will always need an air pollution permit from Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District (NSCAPCD). You will always need to follow the notification and registration requirements on the air pollution permit. It is also a common courtesy to let your local fire department know when you are burning. Please call the CAL FIRE Sea Ranch station at 707-785-2335. Depending on the time of year you may also need a CAL FIRE permit. This permit is only available online. During the hotter and dryer part of fire season CAL FIRE will issue a burn suspension. This means there is no allowable residential burning in that time frame.

Serving the communities of The Sea Ranch, Annapolis, and Stewarts Point