Ballot Measure H To Support Emergency Services

Measure H Passed! We thank all of those who helped to get the measure approved, and also our local voters for their participation and support. Registered voters in our corner of the county turned out at TWICE the rate of those elsewhere in the County, and gave Measure H a YES vote by over 82%. Thank you!

Information about the measure is below.

Ballot measure “H” on the 2024 March election ballot, titled “Improved and Enhanced Local Fire Protection, Paramedic Services and Disaster Response Initiative”, creates a 1/2 cent sales tax to support funding for emergency services in Sonoma County. The primary goal of the measure is to provide for more efficient, effective, and sustainable fire response, paramedic services, and wildfire prevention and response capabilities that protect the health and safety of Sonoma County residents, business owners, and visitors.

A Sea Ranch Forum regarding the sales tax measure and information about fire services on the coast was held on January 27, 2024.

Read Sea Ranch Soundings article (originally appeared in The Sea Ranch Soundings and is reprinted with permission).

The NSCFPD fact sheet explains specifically how funds from the tax will benefit North Sonoma Coast residents. This Fact Sheet from the Sonoma County Fire Chief’s Association gives more information and how the funds will support needs in Sonoma County overall. See Financial Outlook for more information on the future financial challenges and needs of NSCFPD.

The measure was developed by Sonoma County fire agencies and was put on the ballot as a signature-qualified initiative. The measure targets specific needs and funding gaps that affect all county agencies.

Serving the communities of The Sea Ranch, Annapolis, and Stewarts Point