
NSCFPD welcomes contributions from the community in order to continue providing services in time of need. Property tax revenues, which are now administered by the district are used for training, equipment, and paying the contract to have CAL FIRE staffing.

The North Sonoma Coast Volunteer Firefighter Association (NSCVFA), the non-profit 501(c)(3) fundraising arm of the district,  must raise and use its own funds to maintain the North Fire Station and other expenses that are not covered by the district. The volunteers are very grateful for your contributions; we couldn’t function without your help!

Donations to NSCVFA may be mailed to:
PO Box 65
The Sea Ranch, CA 95497

Please make checks out to “NSCVFA”.

Donations may be made online at the NSCVFA website.

You can also support the volunteers through our annual fundraising events:

Serving the communities of The Sea Ranch, Annapolis, and Stewarts Point