The North Sonoma Coast Volunteer Firefighter Assocation has provided the fire department with with a new tool, an offroad “side by side” vehicle,or “UTV” (utility task vehicle). 4441 is a 2023 Honda Pioneer Trail 1000. 4441 will allow transport of people and equipment to the many places in our area that larger trucks cannot reach. 4441 has been customized by Chris Aitchison of CNA Metalworks to be able to hold a “Stokes Basket”. A Stokes is a long metal basket used to hold and transport a human patient out of a difficult-to-reach area, such as from down an embankment, or from a trail that is not reachable by regular vehicles.

NSC firefighters have received special training, both classroom and behind-the-wheel, to learn how to drive 4441 correctly and safely. 4441 will provide invaluable help for our calls in inaccessible areas.

4441 was purchased and equipped entirely with funds donated to NSCVFA. We thank the community for their support!